Our Impact Areas
Over two decades of research and experience in community development has proven that for individuals born into poverty the neglect or absence of any of the services below leaves individuals with only a 13% chance to escape poverty.
Through supportive services fueled by innovation and a collective impact approach, City of Refuge Baltimore seeks to lead individuals and families on a journey to self-sufficiency for generations to come.
Health & Wellness
Providing individuals with access to fresh and healthy food, we currently offer: lunches daily, a weekly food pantry which gives an average of 50lbs per-household per-week, and infant and toddler hygiene supplies.
Email Keith (keith@cityofrefugebaltimore.org) for additional information.
Food Pantry:
Food Pantry is open on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Families can come once every other week to go through our food bank. Numbers are given out starting at 7AM, doors to the pantry open and numbers get called starting at 8AM. Numbers are limited based on supply of food. Food Pantry closes once we run out of numbers or around 10:30AM.
We have pre-prepared hot and ready to go meals available every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday starting at 11AM until 1PM or until we are out of lunches for the day.
Baby Pantry:
Baby Pantry is open on Tuesdays from 9AM-12PM. The Baby Pantry has a designated list that may be full at any time. Call 410-355-6707 and inquire about Baby Pantry to see if our list or waitlist is open!
Medstar Mobile Medical Unit:
Every Monday from 9AM-3PM we have the Medstar Harbor Hospital Mobile Medical Unit on site as they offer pharmacy, medical advice, and more!
Workforce Development
Preparing individuals, specifically those who are unemployed or underemployed, with skills and resources, such as job training, soft skills, GED prep, IT Training, plumbing, and entrepreneurship to help them secure employment.
Scan the QR Code if you are interested in learning more about our workforce programs
Job Seeking:
Our Workforce Development team can set up appointments with neighbors in order to assist them in any stage of the Job Seeking Process. This could could be anything from Resume Assistance, Skillset to Job Matching, Application Assistance, and more.
Job/Skill Trainings and Classes:
We offer many different types of classes through Workforce Development such as GED, ESOL, IT/Networking, Culinary Arts, Trades (Plumbing, Electrician, Architecture), and Computer Literacy Classes.
Supportive Housing
The housing team provides low-barrier assessment bridge housing in conjunction with short- and long-term case management and a variety of supportive services that cater to each individual’s specific needs. The housing team also works with partner organizations to make connections for further assistance as needed.
Email Emily Añez at emily@cityofrefugebaltimore.org for more information.
Family Stability:
Our Family Stability program is designed to take a family step by step through their journey towards self-sufficiency. This program ties directly into many resources both from City of Refuge Baltimore as well as other organizations. This program is currently only available to families that have children in the Baltimore City Public School system and meet other criteria. Call 410-355-6707 and ask about Family Stability or ask for Julia.
Youth Empowerment
Enriching year-round and after-school programs for high school-age students, to help students reach and maintain grade levels, participate in extra-curricular activities, and break the cycle of poverty.
Email Neal Carter at neal@cityofrefugebaltimore.org for more information.
Level Up Youth Group:
Every Wednesday Night from 5:30-7PM during the school year we host our Level Up Youth Nights where youth ages 12-18.
Brooklyn City Life:
Every Thursday Night from 7-9PM one of our partners Youth For Christ hosts a youth group for ages 13-21.
Podcasting/Music Studio:
Through special request and appointment, youth are able to schedule a studio session where they get the full effect of a music or podcasting studio. This studio is meant to give the youth a way to express themselves in a way that they would normally be unable to express.
H.Y.P.E Music Program:
The H.Y.P.E music program is a during school club that we host at Ben Franklin High School on Thursdays where we have a “Portable Studio” where we invite students to our Music/Podcasting Studio as well as teach them the basics of music production.
Anti-Human Trafficking (Rapha)
Rapha has been working throughout the community to raise awareness on the issue of human-trafficking. Through weekly drop-in programs, we facilitate relationships for individuals who have been or are currently being exploited.
Email Althea Whieldon at althea@cityofrefugebaltimore.org for more information.
Rapha Drop-In Center:
Every Thursday from 12-2PM we have our Women’s Drop-In Center at our Youth Center at 901 Pontiac Ave. Ladies can come in and get off the streets for 2 hours where they will receive a hot meal, hygiene products, a hot shower, as well as fellowship and over all a safe place to hang out for at least 2 hours of their week. Some of our ladies have said this is the “only time I feel safe during my week” and expressed how much they look forward to every Thursday.
Other Programs and Services
Refuge Ride:
The Refuge Ride is our shuttle service that takes our neighbors from 6 of the South Baltimore communities (Brooklyn, Curtis Bay, Cherry Hill, Lakeland, Westport, and Mt. Winans) and gives them direct access to groceries, pharmacy, other public transport, and fun! To learn more about the Refuge Ride click the button below and select the “Learn More” option. You can also sign up by following the “Sign Up for *month*” option.
Free Legal Aid:
In partnership with Good Samaritan Advocates, City of Refuge Baltimore offers a Free Legal Aid/Advice Clinic. This clinic takes place on the Third Thursday of every month. To request an appointment please fill out a form through the button below and we will reach out to you in order to schedule an appointment.